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Category: Data

PAQCompress v0.3.49 has been released

PAQCompress v0.3.49 has been released

Hi everyone, On the weekend, I released PAQCompress v0.3.49: This release has the following changes: Added paq8sk: v2, v5, v7, v9, v10, v13, v14, v15, v18, v19, v22, v23, v25, v26. Added paq8px v187fix1, fix2, fix3. Compression level improvements when changing between compression series. You can download this new version on GitHub by clicking here. Enjoy! Post Views: 4

Google Drive Uploader & Explorer Tool v1.13 has been released!

Google Drive Uploader & Explorer Tool v1.13 has been released!

Hi everyone, Today, I have released Google Drive Uploader & Explorer Tool v1.13: This version has the following changes: Fixed the Raw download URL generation. Added nested RAW download URL generation (CTRL + U on folders, or right-click and select the RAW Url option). Added option to generate cURL script (Compatible with MSYS2 and WSL). Updated Google APIs. You can download it on GitHub by clicking here. Enjoy! Post Views: 11

PAQCompress v0.3.47 has been released

PAQCompress v0.3.47 has been released

Hi everyone, Today, I have released PAQCompress v0.3.47: This release fixes the following issues: Fixes an issue where the software would not work if its location contained spaces and “Show Command Prompt” was checked. Fixes Batch script generation if the software was placed on a location with spaces. You can download this new version on GitHub by clicking here. Enjoy! Post Views: 9

PAQ8PX ported to ARM processors

PAQ8PX ported to ARM processors

Hi everyone, Over the past few days, I worked on porting the PAQ8PX compressor for ARM CPUs. Initially, it would not compile because it relied on some SSE instructions that are not available on ARM. This required porting some code to equivalent functions in this architecture. Once this was done, paq8px happily compiled and ran on the Snapdragon 845 and 865 CPU’s from my Samsung Galaxy S9+ and S20 Ultra smartphones: I tested it using the Termux app running Ubuntu…

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