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Category: Data

PAQCompress v0.3.10 released!

PAQCompress v0.3.10 released!

Hi everyone, Today, I have released PAQCompress v0.3.10: This release adds the new PAQ8PX v179 and PAQ8PX v179fix1 versions. It also adds PAQ8PX v147 which was missing from the list but the executable was available in the releases. You can download this new release at GitHub by clicking here. Enjoy! Post Views: 2

Precomp GUI v0.1 released!

Precomp GUI v0.1 released!

Hi everyone, Today, I’ve officially released Precomp GUI: This is a software that allows you to precompress files which can help you on compressing them further with tools like 7-zip or other specialized data compression sofware. The GUI is a front-end for the Precomp command line utility. The software is very simple to use. You just drag a file, specify the output path, select the precompression mode, and press the Start button. The inverse of precompressing is recompressing, where a…

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PAQCompress v0.3.9 released!

PAQCompress v0.3.9 released!

Hi everyone, Happy Easter! Today morning, I have released PAQCompress v0.3.9: This new release fixes a message that always said “Browse for a file to compress” even when the Extract Radiobutton was checked. This was located in the OpenFileDialog Title: Now, the message will say “Browse for a file to extract” when the Extract Radiobutton is checked: You can download this new release at GitHub by clicking here. Enjoy! Post Views: 4