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Category: Software

Collaborating in the exhale project – Part 2

Collaborating in the exhale project – Part 2

Hi everyone, Yesterday, I began working on my second collaboration for the exhale xHE-AAC USAC encoder. This time, I worked on adding an argument to print the software version on the console. The above is the main software, printing its information as well as how to use it. There was no option to print the version only. Ideally, I just wanted a way to print something like exhale version 1.0.3 … that I can easily parse it as I do…

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My first GitLab contribution: exhale encoder

My first GitLab contribution: exhale encoder

Hi everyone, Yesterday, I collaborated on the exhale xHE-AAC Audio Encoder to add compatibility to compile the project on MinGW on Windows. The exhale project is an Open-Source xHE-AAC USAC encoder. It allows you to encode wave (WAV) files to M4A using this specific codec. Originally, compilation on Windows was done using Visual Studio, and this worked fine, but when compiling it on MSYS2/MinGW, it gave some issues, specifically: It also complained about fprintf_s, so some changes needed to be…

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PAQ8PX ported to ARM processors

PAQ8PX ported to ARM processors

Hi everyone, Over the past few days, I worked on porting the PAQ8PX compressor for ARM CPUs. Initially, it would not compile because it relied on some SSE instructions that are not available on ARM. This required porting some code to equivalent functions in this architecture. Once this was done, paq8px happily compiled and ran on the Snapdragon 845 and 865 CPU’s from my Samsung Galaxy S9+ and S20 Ultra smartphones: I tested it using the Termux app running Ubuntu…

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SVT-AV1 GUI v1.6 has been released

SVT-AV1 GUI v1.6 has been released

Hi everyone, Today, I have released SVT-AV1 GUI v1.6: This release changes some encoding flags that will soon be deprecated, removing some warnings that were being printed on the screen, and making it compatible with the latest releases of the SVT-AV1 encoder. You can download this new version on GitHub by clicking here. Enjoy! Post Views: 3

PAQCompress v0.3.42 has been released

PAQCompress v0.3.42 has been released

Hi everyone, Today, I have released PAQCompress v0.3.42: This release adds the following compressor versions: paq8px v161 and v161fix1. paq8pxd v82 and v83. It also adds the compression levels x0 to x15 for starting on paq8pxd v73: You can download this new version on GitHub by clicking here. Enjoy! Post Views: 10

PAQCompress v0.3.41 released!

PAQCompress v0.3.41 released!

Hi everyone, Today, I have released PAQCompress v0.3.41: This release now auto-populates the output field when typing the input file or folder manually and it exists. It also adds the new paq8pxd v80 and v81 compressors. You can download this new release in GitHub by clicking here. Enjoy! Post Views: 1