C++ Codes
Welcome to the C++ Codes section.
Here, you will find C++ Codes that you can use any way you like. These were made while attending college and I’m sharing them with the intention of helping everyone understand the language.
Most of the codes are simple projects, which is perfect for starters programming in C++. Also, most of these codes have been assigned university work which has been graded and approved by the professors.
Below, you’ll find a list of C++ Codes. Select one below to see the description and download links.
- 10-Numbers Array Sum
- 2 Number Multiplication
- Array Search
- Array Sort
- Array Sum and Average
- Assets Depreciation (Code written in main block of code)
- Assets Depreciation (Code written in functions)
- Average Grade Calculator
- Average Grade to Letter
- Average of Values
- Average Rainfall Calculator
- Celsius to Fahrenheit Converter
- Character ASCII Code
- Circles Area and Circumference
- Coordinates Between 2 Points
- Count Letter in Word
- Count Letters in String
- Course Grade Percent to Letter
- Diamond Pattern
- Display a Sentence using a Function
- Employee Pay Rate and Gross Pay
- Employee Pay Rate and Gross Pay (With Functions)
- Employee Pay Rate and Gross Pay (With Void Functions)
- Employee Payroll
- Employee Worked Hours Payout
- Energy Drink Survey
- Factorial of a Number Calculator
- Geometry Calculator
- Graduation Time!
- Integer Comparison
- Kinetic Energy Calculator
- Kinetic Energy Calculator (Using Pointers)
- Lb to Kg Converter
- Loan Monthly Payments
- Lottery
- Multiple Numbers Programs
- Number to Character ASCII Code
- Perfect Scores
- Ph Toxicity Level