Google Drive Uploader & Explorer Tool Changelog
v1.15.2 (1/30/2022)
- Changed “Uploads Finished” text to “Queue Items Processed!” as the queue can be either upload or download items.
- Updated Google APIs.
v1.15.1 (4/26/2021)
- Fixed upload bug.
- Updated Google Drive API.
v1.15 (4/15/2021)
- Can now add items to download to the Queue. Right click and select “Add to Queue” or press CTRL + Q.
- Fixed download bug introduced in v1.14.
- “Send to Trash” added to the right-click menu.
- Updated Google APIs.
v1.14 (10/04/2020)
- Added an Open button to go directly to a Folder ID.
- Can now copy the folder name by clicking it.
- Can now stop uploads.
- Bug fixes.
- Updated Google APIs.
v1.13 (5/28/2020)
- Fixed the Raw download URL generation.
- Added nested RAW download URL generation (CTRL + U on folders, or right-click and select the RAW Url option).
- Added option to generate cURL script (Compatible with MSYS2 and WSL).
- Updated Google APIs.
v1.12.1 (11/9/2019)
- Updated Google APIs.
- Added a missing translation.
v1.12 (10/20/2019)
- Fixed an initialization issue when client_secret.json or credentials.json file was not found.
- A message will be displayed if no client_secret.json or credentials.json file is found.
- Updated Google APIs.
v1.11.1 (7/13/2019)
- Updated the Google Drive API.
v1.11 (6/24/2019)
- Refactored code to improve performance and stability.
- Updated Google APIs.
- Disabled “Move” button when moving is in progress.
- Now targets .NET Framework 4.8.
v1.10.4 (5/31/2019)
- Updated Google Drive API
v1.10.3 (5/20/2019)
- Updated Google APIs
v1.10 release 4/19/2019 (4/19/2019)
- Updated Google Drive API
v1.10 April 2019 Update (4/5/2019)
- Updated Google Drive API’s
v1.10 (3/17/2019)
- Verify a file checksum by pressing CTRL + V or by right-clicking and pressing “Verify Checksum” when a file is selected in the File List.
- Updated Google Drive components
v1.9.2 (2/1/2019)
- Stability improvements
- Updated Google Drive components
v1.9.1 (1/12/2019)
- Fixed a checksum saving bug where sometimes the software would not enter the correct folder
- Updated Google Drive components
v1.9.0 (10/27/2018)
- Added Right Click Context Menú to File and Folder List
- Press CTRL + M to move files or folders to another folder.
- Press CTRL + U when files are selected to get the raw download URL.
- Updated components
- Improved software performance
v1.8.6 (8/11/2018)
- Software improvements and bug fixes
v1.8.5 (5/30/2018)
- Checksum files can now be encoded for Windows, Mac, or Linux
- Added file counter to file list
v1.8.4 (5/25/2018)
- Files will open in Google Drive when double-clicking it in the File List
- Folders will open in Google Drive when holding the SHIFT key and double-clicking it in the Folder List
- Fixed a message when sending multiple files to Trash
v1.8.3 (5/6/2018)
- Progress Bar now shows progress when copying a file to RAM
- Internal code changes / enhancements
v1.8.2 (5/2/2018)
- Bug Fix: Handles Key presses and key shortcuts correctly
- Bug Fix: Fixes some exceptions that happened when no files or folders were selected sometimes.
v1.8.1 (4/29/2018)
- URGENT FIX: Fixes the issue that files were incorrectly uploaded when using the RAM setting.
v1.8 (4/28/2018)
- New Menu items for easier navigation
- Software now shows your Google Drive Used, Total and Free Space
- Software is now fully resizable!
- Shortcut ALT key changed to CTRL key
- Can now specify Chunk size using built-in Chunk Size window
- Added option to copy a file to System RAM if there’s free RAM available to fit the file in it.
- Options and software configuration now available under the Options Menu item.
- Can now specify a sorting method.
- Downloaded files keep the modified date as shown in Google Drive
- Fixed Refresh Lists and F5 when viewing Trash
- Fixed error that sometimes happened when ALT + D (now CTRL + D) in the file list and no files were selected
- If one file is specified for download only, the file browser window will show up instead of the Folder browser window.
v1.7.1 (4/25/2018)
- Added checkbox to start uploads automatically.
- Updated Google API components
v1.7 (2/24/2018)
- Fixed: “Refresh List” was not working.
- Fixed: Files uploaded can now be deleted without closing the software
- Fixed: File download should now work correctly.
- Can now enter a folder by selecting them and pressing the “Enter” key.
- Press the F5 key in the Folder or File List Box to refresh their contents.
- Can now navigate to Trash.
- Press the “Delete” key in the Folder List Box to move the selected folder(s) to the Trash.
- Press the “Delete” key in the File List Box to move the selected file(s) to the Trash.
- Press ALT + A to select all files in the Files of Folder List.
- Press ALT + C to create Checksum file for all files inside a folder and their subfolders (recursion). Also works with individual or multiple files selected.
- Press ALT + D to download selected file or files or a folder and all of its content to a specified local folder.
- Press ALT + R when not viewing the trash to rename a file or folder.
- Press ALT + R when viewing trash to restore the file or folder.
- Can now upload files to different folders.
- Checksum filename for files inside a folder will have the folder name as default when browsing to save the file.
- Partial translation to Traditional Chinese (Translated by mic4126. Thank you!).
- Added Logout Button (By mic4126. Thank you!).
- Added Readme Link.
- Removed “Preserve Modified Date” checkbox. All files will upload with their modified date.
v1.6.1 (5/27/2017)
- Fixed: Explorer now shows all the files in a selected folder.
- Fixed: Lower Right ListBox should say “Files” instead of “Uploads (By Date Modified)”.
- Fixed: Some numbers not having a comma (ex. 10,000.00 MB instead of 10000.00 MB).
- Fixed: Download Progress Bar and Remaining Time not working.
- Fixed: Folder ID and Name now displays the previous Folder details when clicking the “Back” button.
- Fixed: Back button now gets disabled if it’s already in the “root” folder.
v1.6 (5/7/2017)
- Software now remembers the folders created when there are still uploads pending.
- Software now displays the Folder Name from the entered Folder ID when the software is launched.
- Browse files and folders with the same structure as your Google Drive.
- See file details.
- Folder Browsing has been integrated into the Main Window. Select a folder to upload files to it.
- Save Checksum file to test local file against an uploaded file.
v1.5 (3/23/2017)
- Changed “Length” to “File Size”.
- Added comma in file size (ex. 10,000.00 MB instead of 10000.00 MB).
- When an error occurs, the upload will be retried automatically and also resume from the point it was interrupted.
- Searches for every file and folder inside a folder to upload. The uploads maintain the same structure.
- Option to preserve file modified date added.
- Can now browse and create Folders to upload files.
- If copy/pasting folder ID from Google Drive, you can now press the Get Folder Name button to get the folder name based on its ID.
- Can drag and drop more files to upload to queue while uploading.
- Can select more than one file or folder to remove.
- Can now erase the entire upload list.
- Timeout reduced to 2 minutes (120 seconds). Should be enough as the chunk size was reduced to 1MB in v1.2.
v1.4 (3/20/2017)
- Added Batch Upload.
- Uploaded Items list now shows 25 items per page.
v1.3.1 (3/19/2017)
- Files get uploaded with the original file Modified Date.
v1.3 (3/19/2017)
- Added Spanish Language.
v1.2 (3/19/2017)
- Upload files to a Folder ID.
- Added Time Left for Upload/Download.
- Chunk Size reduced to 1MB to prevent timeout issues with slower internet connections.
v1.1 (3/19/2017)
- Lists files in ListBox.
- Can download a selected file to a chosen directory.
- Can drag and drop a file to upload.
v1.0 (3/18/2017)
- Initial Release
- Ability to upload a file and resume if interrupted