Opus GUI v1.10 released!

Opus GUI v1.10 released!

Hi everyone,

Today, I released Opus GUI v1.10:

Opus GUI v1.10
Opus GUI v1.10

This new version adds support for ffmpeg’s native Opus encoder. I also included the latest x64 release of opusenc.

As to what ffmpeg encoder to use, I recommend sticking to ffmpeg libopus, as my own tests revealed some artifact issues using ffmpeg opus. A difference between these 2 is that libopus encodes using variable bitrate while ffmpeg opus encodes only with a constant bitrate. Since libopus use variable bitrate, it can allocate more bits to those complex audio sections, hence having a better quality.

You can download this new version at the project’s GitHub release page by clicking here.

I also posted the latest opus-tools build:

opusenc 04-01-2019
opusenc 04-01-2019

You can download it here.
