Introducing rav1e_gui v1.1 and updated rav1e builds

Introducing rav1e_gui v1.1 and updated rav1e builds

Hi everyone,

Yesterday, I released rav1e_gui v1.1. This build adds 2 new options which are related to my contribution toward the rav1e project I talked in this post. The Pull Request got accepted, so every rav1e builds coming forward will have these 2 new options:

  • Keyframe Interval – Allows you to specify a keyframe interval. Before, it was locked to one keyframe per 30 frames, but now the user can choose this interval by using the –keyint or -I flags.
  • Low Latency Mode – Enabled by default. Basically, disabling this enables frame reordering during encoding.

The GUI now adds these 2 new options and also provides another option to keep or remove the temporary files produced during encoding.

rav1e GUI V1.1
rav1e GUI V1.1

You can download this new build here, which also features today’s rav1e build:

New rav1e build

rav1e 2018-10-28

The latest rav1e_gui comes with today’s build, but you can also download the standalone encoder here:
