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Category: Software

rav1e GUI v1.7 released!

rav1e GUI v1.7 released!

Hi everyone, Today, I have released v1.7 of rav1e GUI: This version will now check if the user has entered an input and output file and that a temporary folder has been specified. If the user hasn’t entered an input file, this message will be shown: If the user hasn’t entered an output file, this message will be shown: Finally, if the user hasn’t specified a temporary folder to use, this message will be shown: This release closes issue #5…

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PAQCompress v0.3.2 released!

PAQCompress v0.3.2 released!

Hi everyone, Today morning, I have released v0.3.2 of PAQCompress: This new release adds support for paq8px v62. You can download it at GitHub here: Enjoy! Post Views: 0

Opus GUI v1.5 released!

Opus GUI v1.5 released!

Hi everyone, Today, I’ve released Opus GUI v1.5: This release adds drag-and-drop support to the GUI and also allows you to drag and drop a folder into the software executable. You can download this new release at GitHub here: Enjoy! Post Views: 0

rav1e GUI v1.6 released!

rav1e GUI v1.6 released!

Hi everyone, Today, I’ve released v1.6 of rav1e GUI: This new release adds Drag-and-Drop support, which means you can now drag and drop a video file into the GUI or software executable and it will be used as the input automatically. No need to browse for the input video file again! That is, of course, if you use the new drag and drop feature. You can download this new release at GitHub here: Enjoy! Post Views: 3

PAQCompress v0.3 and cmix_gui v1.6 released!

PAQCompress v0.3 and cmix_gui v1.6 released!

Hi everyone, Today, I have released PAQCompress v0.3: This release allows you to drag and drop a file into the software executable and it will pre-fill the input and output textboxes, saving you time from browsing for an input and output location. You can download this release at GitHub here: I’ve also released CMIX GUI v1.6: This release adds cmix_v16f and improves the software logging. As with PAQCompress, you can also now drag and drop a file into the…

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Introducing the new, better PAQCompress GUI

Introducing the new, better PAQCompress GUI

Hi everyone, I started this year being productive and have coded for the past couple of days, hence my absence of posts in this site. I’ve worked on updated a graphical user interface I wrote several years ago for the PAQ Compression software. At the time, I had limited skills writing code, and my GUIs were not that great. Hence, I took that software and rewrote it from scratch to provide a better user experience. I also updated the software…

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rav1e GUI v1.4 released!

rav1e GUI v1.4 released!

Hi everyone, Today, I’ve released rav1e GUI v1.4. This new release adds several new options and improvements. First, the GUI has been updated to provide a logging text area, where you can see the rav1e encoding progress: You can also see there is a new CPU Threads option, a check box to enable PSNR output in the log and a new Advanced Encoder Options button that will bring the following new window: The latest rav1e code added a few new…

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Today’s build of rav1e and rav1e GUI released! (2018/12/07)

Today’s build of rav1e and rav1e GUI released! (2018/12/07)

Hi everyone, Today, I’ve released a new build of rav1e and rav1e GUI. This brings rav1e to commit 66b4cd9 and it’s included in today’s rav1e GUI build. You can download today’s standalone rav1e build here: rav1e 0.1.0 66b4cd9 (2018/12/07) You can download today’s build of rav1e GUI here: rav1e_gui v1.3 – release 2018-12-07 Enjoy! Post Views: 1

Opus GUI v1.4 released!

Opus GUI v1.4 released!

Hi everyone, Today, I’ve released v1.4 of Opus GUI: This version is actually a bug fix that the software had for some time with no reports of it, and it was a silly bug. It didn’t allowed you to specify a bitrate higher than 100kbit/s. Now, with that fixed, you can encode files up to 320kbit/s. Yay! You can download this new release at GitHub here: Enjoy! Post Views: 2