Got the Sapphire Badge for World Community Grid’s Microbiome Immunity Project!
Hi everyone,
I finally got the Sapphire badge for the Microbiome Immunity Project from IBM’s World Community Grid. This is a badge that is awarded after performing 2 CPU-time years of contribution toward a project.
This is the new shiny badge I got:
The message I got in BOINC (Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing):

And here are my stats as of now:
There’s still no power in Puerto Rico where my 24-thread server is located, and even if there’s power, there’s a change there’s no internet services, so my stats here doesn’t show my contribution for that server. I hope the power and internet services gets restored soon!
These are the projects I’ve set to contribute and earn the rest of the badges:

My plans doesn’t change. I will continue crunching to these projects and try to earn the next badges 😁
BOINC screenshot from my Intel i7-3610QM machine:

(Yes, also contributing to Moo! Wrapper.)