MP3 GUI v1.0 is released!

MP3 GUI v1.0 is released!

Hi everyone,

Today, I’m publishing a new MP3 Graphical User Interface software to encode audio files to MP3.

MP3 GUI v1.0

This software uses ffmpeg’s libmp3lame or libshine encoding libraries in order to produce MP3 files. These provides you an option to choose between quality or speed encoding. For quality MP3 files, there’s libmp3lame, while for speed (and a lower quality) there is libshine.

It also provides the option to encode files using a variable bitrate when using libmp3lame, and allows choosing a Variable Bitrate mode (Quality). If you prefer a constant bitrate, simply disable that option and input a desired bitrate in the bitrate field below.

Today’s computers are multi-threaded and have powerful processors, which is why the tool offers multithreaded conversion, making the most of your CPU and you will have your music files encoded in no time.

You can give this tool a try by downloading it here.
