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Introducing ArduBOINC – Show your BOINC Tasks using an Arduino and LCD Display!

Introducing ArduBOINC – Show your BOINC Tasks using an Arduino and LCD Display!

Hi everyone, Today was another creative day. This time, I present to you ArduBOINC. ArduBOINC is composed of Arduino + BOINC. It is a project I decided to do also some time ago with my LattePanda, which died a few days ago and I’m in the process of sending it for replacement. However, the UDOO x86 came here shortly after the LattePanda died and since it also features an integrated Arduino co-procesor (Arduino 101 / Intel Curie), I decided to…

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Now you can see my BOINC Tasks on my website!

Now you can see my BOINC Tasks on my website!

Hi everyone, Today, I’ve been writing a software, database and script to show the BOINC (Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing) tasks that my computers are running to my website! I’ve been thinking on making this since a long time ago, and I’ve finally accomplished that task. Those are just a few of the machines. To see the rest, visit The software I wrote is the following: You simply enter a name for the host, IP Address, BOINC Port Number…

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The ZCash Mining GUI Overview Video

The ZCash Mining GUI Overview Video

Note: This software is no longer maintained. Hi everyone, I made a video to showcase the ZCash Mining GUI, explaining its functions and how to use it. You can watch it here below: You can download the ZCash Mining GUI here: can browse the ZCash Mining GUI Source Code here: Happy Mining! Post Views: 2

Introducing nheqminer ZCash Mining GUI for Windows

Introducing nheqminer ZCash Mining GUI for Windows

Hi everyone! Today, I have released a ZCash Mining GUI for nheqminer: This software is written in Visual Basic .NET and is Open Sourced, available here: Windows Binaries available over here: To use it, you must download the nheqminer binary and place it inside a folder called “nheqminer” in the same folder where you download this software, then fill out the details and press on “Start Mining!”. You can minimize the window and it will go straight to…

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