Code Updates for my tool, Google Drive Uploader & Explorer – June 10, 2017 (6/10/2017)

Code Updates for my tool, Google Drive Uploader & Explorer – June 10, 2017 (6/10/2017)

Hi everyone,

Here, I’m gonna show you a new feature oof my software Google Drive Uploader & Explorer that I did today.

The new feature is that I added a Label that shows the name of the folder you are in:

Google Drive Upload Tool v1.7 4 - 1

In order to do this, I wrote a new function to fetch the Current Folder ID Name. This function is called GetCurrentFolderIDName():

Google Drive Upload Tool v1.7 4 - 2

This function uses the Global Variable CurrentFolder to get the Folder Name of the Folder ID that is stored in that variable.

To use that function, I call it in several parts of the code by using the following line:
CurrentFolderLabel.Text = GetCurrentFolderIDName()
This line calls the above function and assigns the returned value in the text of the CurrentFolderLabel label:

You can check out this change here.

That’s basically what I have done for today 🙂

Software source code is available here.