Rocket.Chat Cryptocurrency Price Bot source code now available!
NOTE: This software is no longer maintainted.
Hi everyone,
I decided to make a dedicated Price Bot so that anyone can run it in their own Rocket.Chat-based servers.

How to use it?
It’s very simple! The bot only has 2 commands. They are:
- !price (cryptocurrency name or symbol) – This command will tell the current price of a crypto coin
- !calculate (amount) (crypto name or symbol)- This command will tell you how much worth your coins are based on the current crypto value.
Please note that this is not intended to spam rooms. Please use it accordingly, or you maye be banned or removed from a room. If running this bot in another Rocket.Chat-based platform, please ask an admin or moderator if you can run this bot before launching it.
You can check out the source code and download the executable here.
This bot has been written in Visual Basic .NET