Downloading ffmpeg for SVT-AV1 GUI

Downloading ffmpeg for SVT-AV1 GUI

Note: This guide is obsolete. Please refer to the new guide to download ffmpeg by clicking here.

Hi everyone,

In this post, I’ll show you how to download ffmpeg to use with SVT-AV1 GUI. FFmpeg is required to extract the video file to .y4m, encode the audio to Opus, and merge both files when the encode is finished.

Here are the steps:

1. Navigate to

Step 1
Step 1

2. Select the nightly build which is the first one shown in “Version”. Select the 64-bit Windows version if you have a 64-bit machine, and select “Static” in the Linking column. Then, click on “Download Build”:

Step 2
Step 2

3. Click on the downloaded file:

Step 3
Step 3

4. Go to the “ffmpeg” folder, and then to the “bin” folder. You should see “ffmpeg.exe” inside:

Step 4
Step 4

5. Extract it and place it in the location where you have SVT-AV1 GUI:

Step 5
Step 5

That’s it! Enjoy!