Open Sourcing my Android app: Collatz Conjecture Calculator

Open Sourcing my Android app: Collatz Conjecture Calculator

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Hi everyone,

In this post, i’d like everyone to know that I’ve open sourced the code of my app Collatz Conjecture Calculator, which is an app I developed for the Android operating system:

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This app is a Collatz Conjecture calculator, which follows the 3x+1 rule.

It is very simple in nature. The actual code that performs the math is the following:

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It stores each step in a list and then it gets displayed to the user.


In v1.3, I changed the “/” to the “÷” division symbol, and in the previous version, I changed the “x” with the proper multiplication symbol “×”


The app just has the main screen, which looks like this after doing a math calculation:

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User reviews:

What people has said of this very simple app:

Collatz Conjecture Android App - 5

The app was updated using Android Studio 3.0:

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You can take a look at the source code here.

And you can download the app here.
