Where to rent Scream VI?
Hi everyone,
Yesterday was Tuesday, July 11, 2023. This is the date when the movie Scream VI was released on physical formats. Unfortunately, Redbox, while it had listed it initially, didn’t bring this movie to its kiosks.

It seems that the only place that carries this movie is Gamefly, as Netflix DVD doesn’t have it either:

GameFly, however, carries all 3 formats for this movie: DVD, Blu-Ray, and 4K UHD formats:

Click the links below to rent the movies on Gamefly in your preferred format:
If Redbox does add this movie to its kiosks, I will make another post. Currently, they only have it available to rent or buy On Demand:

You can also purchase the movie on Amazon at the following links:
Note: Links to Amazon are referral links. This site earns a small percentage from orders placed with those links, helping keep this site operating.