Benchmarking the Samsung 870 EVO SSD on Windows in the HP 2000-2c20NR laptop

Benchmarking the Samsung 870 EVO SSD on Windows in the HP 2000-2c20NR laptop

Hi everyone,

Today, we will be benchmarking the Samsung 870 EVO SSD on Windows in the HP 2000-2c20NR laptop.

This laptop uses an Ivy Bridge Intel Pentium 2020M clocked at 2.40Ghz. We will be using CrystalDiskMark to perform the benchmark. If you need to download and install this tool, click here for the download and install instructions.

Samsung 870 EVO in Windows 10

Benchmarking the drive

We will open CrystalDiskMark, where you should see the following software interface:

CrystalDiskMark 8.0.4c

Because our SSD is the drive C:, we can go ahead and click on the “All” button to perform the below 4 read and write tests. This may take a while, as with the default settings, it will perform 5 of each of the tests, reading and writing a 1GB temporary file.

Let’s see the final benchmark for this drive on this laptop:

Samsung 870 EVO CrystalDiskMark Benchmark on HP 2000-2c20NR laptop

We can see that the machine and SSD can read up to a bit more than 550MB/s. This is really good, and a bit short of the 560MB/s advertised read speeds. However, as far as write speed goes, it didn’t reach the advertised 530MB/s, only benchmarking up to almost 395MB/s.

Still, for a standard user, the read speed is what we are most interested in, since we want blazing fast boot speeds and launch software as soon as possible. In terms of writing, I don’t expect the laptop to be used for continual writing with the exception of the software and Windows updates. Most of the laptop workload will be around reading and consuming files. For this purpose, this benchmark is acceptable.


On the HP 2000-2c20NR laptop, we see that the drive and machine can perform full reads up to almost the advertised speed of 560MB/s. However, write speeds goes up to almost 395MB/s. These are still good speeds, but I wonder if the bottleneck here is the CPU or chipset platform, or if the drive’s NAND chip can’t fully write to the stated speeds. Still, I would recommend this drive due to its fast read speeds, which would satisfy most users who will be performing more reading than writing tasks.

You can get this SSD on Amazon at the following links:

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